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Special Needs Faith Formation

Special Needs Faith Formation offers families with Special Needs school-age children the opportunity for faith development in a safe, nurturing environment. In a developmentally appropriate way, the children are invited and encouraged to answer the call of Jesus, to learn about His story and to celebrate the Sacraments. A certified Special Education teacher teaches this program and caring catechists with a loving desire to work with this special community provide support and assistance. We strive to provide an inclusive environment, so it is not necessary for the child to have any particular special needs to participate.


Please contact Rita Cabello at 210-494-1606 ext #320, for more information, to set up a time to visit the class or to discuss the needs of your child.

To provide the needed consistency for our Special Needs children, this program meets every Sunday during the 10 am Mass beginning 1st Sunday of September through Father's Day Sunday of June.

Children's Faith Formation

Children's Faith Formation (CFF) offers families with children in grades K through 5 a classroom environment to learn about their Catholic faith. It is through a blending of classroom, family and whole community that the richness of our Catholic faith is passed on to our children. To register your student in our Elementary  School Faith Formation Program contact Rita Cabello  For additional questions, please contact Rita Cabello at 210-494-1606 ext #320,​ for more information.

Child Praying



Adult Faith Formation

Faith formation is a process of having our faith become conscious, living and active in a relationship with God and God's people. Adult Faith Formation encompasses Catholic Scripture Study (CSS), Tuesday Bible Study, Adult Faith Formation during the Elementary, Middle School and High School Sessions, ACTS Retreats, Catechist Workshops, Adult Confirmation Sessions, Baptism sessions, and Theology of the Body.


The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) is a process of initiating adults and young people of catechetical age (6 years and older) into the Catholic Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist (First Communion.)  The Catechumenate for Children and Teens here at St. Mark the Evangelist is a part of the OCIA. 


The Canon Law of the Church promulgated at Vatican II  dealing with the restoration of the Catechumenate of the Early Church, came into being in the late 1960’s.  In 1988 the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) called for this process to be implemented in every parish in the United States as the way of initiation into the Catholic community of faith for all unbaptized people of catechetical age, those baptized into another Christian tradition, and Catholics baptized as infants or toddlers who have had NO religious education nor baptismal catechesis and have not celebrated BOTH Confirmation and First Eucharist (Communion) OCIA is a process of seeking, developing and enriching one’s relationship with God, themselves, and the community of faith.  It is a journey of conversion to God in Christ with a sponsoring companion to support seekers, pray for them and with them, witness to their faith and guide them along the Way.  It is a process of forming disciples of Jesus Christ through a gradual, complete, and comprehensive mentoring in the Catholic way of life.


Those individuals preparing for Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist  gather together as apprentices in the conversion process in intentional OCIA communities each week, with sponsors (children gather with parents) OCIA Team members, and the wider community at Sunday Mass to learn what it means to be and live as Catholic Christians. Various Rites are  celebrated during this journey of faith.  After a long period of prayer, study, and discernment, the initiation sacraments are  celebrated--all during the same liturgy in the presence of the Catholic community at the Easter Vigil. Movement through the process is determined on an individual basis.


For more information please call John Farrell at (210) 494-1606.

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