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Ministries & Organizations

St. Mark’s parish community is blessed with more than 50 ministries that live out our mission every day. Through the gifts of time and talent of our parishioners and larger parish community, we are able to truly be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. 

Download a copy of St. Mark's Catholic Church Ministry Contact List.

50+ | Young at Heart

Join us every 2nd and 4th Monday for the "The Young at Heart Seniors’ Club" for fun and games. Membership annual dues are $10.00. 

Altar Servers

Young parish members can be involved in assisting at Mass. Altar Servers help before, during and after the liturgy. This is a wonderful opportunity for young people to be involved in the parish and become an integral part of the celebration of liturgy.

Bible Study

St. Mark’s Bible Study Ministry explores the foundations of our Catholic tradition through the study of God’s word. Click the “Learn More” link below for information about this year’s program.

Caring & Sharing

One of the many ministries at St. Mark's is known as Caring & Sharing. The name is very appropriate. Because of the community it serves, not many of our parishioners are aware of what this ministry is all about until the need arises. This ministry serves the community of St. Mark's by providing a meal for family and friends on the day of a funeral of a deceased member.

Christopher Hall

Christopher Hall, home of the Knights of Columbus Council 7613 invites you for all of your party needs. That’s right, our Hall can be rented for special occasions, or just about any party or event you, your family, or business may need…

Eucharistic Adoration

A beautiful Reservation Chapel is situated off the main sanctuary where the faithful may easily pray in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Some people choose to sign up for one hour, while others come by to pray at different times...

Finance Council

Definition: A consultative body, composed of three to five persons, which supports the Pastor and administrator and administration of the parish in church property and finances.

As “co-stewards of temporal goods for the parish, finance council members...

Grief Ministry

Contact the Pastoral Office at 494-1606 for more information...

Into the Deep - Vocations Ministry


The St. Mark Library is now operational again. After major remodeling of what used to be a preschool classroom (and lots of packing and unpacking), the books are on the shelves. Come by and take a look at our new home: bright, open and airy...

Ministers of the Eucharist

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve the community of St. Mark by distributing the Body and Blood of Christ to those who come to Holy Communion at all liturgies. This minister is gracious at serving communion at Mass and compassionate when bringing...

Natural Family Planning

Natural Family Planning is fertility awareness, the knowledge of a couple's fertility.  The Couple to Couple League teaches three basic signs of fertility - temperature, mucus and cervix - and how to apply this knowledge through the Sympto-thermal method...

Pastoral Council

Every diocese develops its own guidelines or norms for Parish Pastoral Councils in line with Church teaching, Canon Law and the vision the bishop has for sharing his ‘shepherding’ role with his priests, clergy, religious and lay leaders.


St Mark's Quilters meet every Friday from 9:00AM - 3:00PM in Christopher Hall...

Sanctuary Care

Sanctuary Care is a committee within the Women's Guild.  Volunteers help to provide and launder items for the altars, priests and altar servers and help keep the altar areas clean. Volunteers serve twice a year.

St. Vincent de Paul

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international Catholic lay association of charity present in 132 countries of the world. It is composed of ordinary men and women - 650,000 strong - who do extraordinary things not for themselves but for others.

Traveling Loaves & Fishes

Traveling Loaves & Fishes (TLF) is a community service-orientated 501(c)3 non-profit organization operating out of St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church. Traveling Loaves & Fishes began life as Mobile Loaves and Fishes (MLF)...

Wheelchair Ministry

The Wheel Chair Ministry was established at St Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church in 2008. We conduct one fund raiser annually, usually in June. We are part of The American Wheel Chair Mission. This is a non-profit organization dedicated to making IMMOBILE people MOBILE...


The A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Community, Theology, Service) Retreat, as offered through St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church, is one visible sign of this community living out its mission “to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to all God’s people through work and action.”

Art & Environment

The importance of the liturgical environment is vital to good liturgy. This team plans and prepares the sacred space for the different liturgical seasons. The team is a group of gifted and talented people who are willing to understand the importance of environment and how it calls us to prayer. We do this as we move through the liturgical seasons of the year with art and environment that call us to prayer.

Bishop Fulton Sheen Apostolic Catechesis

In one-way or another, we are all students. We attend classes each day while here on this earth.  Some lessons are painful, while others bring us joy.  Some of us apply ourselves to the task at hand, while others are hardheaded and slow to learn.

Noah's Ark - Childcare

At St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church, we provide childcare at the Saturday 5PM, Sunday 10AM and 12 Noon Masses for children 1-5 years old. Our childcare providers are paid employees that are CPR-certified who are continuing their education in childcare. All childcare employees have passed a background check with the Archdiocese of San Antonio.

Criminal Justice Ministry

Volunteers are needed, men and women are welcome, and must be over 18 years of age. Our service is provided in the jails and prisons within the Archdiocese of San Antonio. 

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Minister's visit, pray and take the Eucharistic to members of the community who are unable to attend Mass. This minister is gracious and compassionate when bringing communion to the sick and homebound...

Focolare "The Work of Mary

The Work of Mary” otherwise known as  “The Focolare”  is a world-wide spiritual movement within the Catholic Church,  founded by Chiara Lubich, who consecrated her life to God with a perpetual vow of chastity in 1943, and a dedication to the charism of unity and love of neighbor...

Habitat for Humanity

St Mark's mission statement is "to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to all God's people by word and action." Habitat for Humanity offers us a great opportunity to pursue the "action" part of this statement...

Knights of Columbus

Membership in the Knights of Columbus provides the opportunity for wholesome association with congenial companions who are, first of all, practical Catholic gentlemen. It offers the opportunity for fellowship with those who are of the same belief, who recognize

Liturgy Team

The task of the parish Liturgy Committee involves vision, overall yearly planning, honest evaluation, and liturgical education.  Working on this team is an excellent way to increase understanding of the various...

Ministry to the Sick

Eucharistic Minister's visit, pray and take the Eucharistic to members of the community who are unable to attend Mass. This minister is gracious and compassionate when bringing communion to the sick and homebound...


Are you interested in knowing something about the Catholic faith?

Do you want to live out the mission of Jesus Christ in community?

Do you want to live out this mission as a Catholic and celebrate Baptism, be confirmed in the Holy...

Prayer Groups

Contact Rita Cabello at 494-7434 x324 for more information about any of our Prayer Groups.


If you are in doubt your marriage can survive; survive indifference, anger, adultery, alcoholism or other addictions, abuse or selfishness. The list goes on and on of all the signs and symptoms of a marriage communication breakdown that is now resulting in over 50% of first marriages ending in divorce in this country.

Secrets of the Rosary

You are invited to come pray with us weekly, and learn Mother Mary’s secrets, using St. Louis de Montfort’s holy book, Secrets of the Rosary. We will pray the Rosary and study a secret a week from this book.

Teams of Our Lady

Teams of Our Lady was founded by Father Henri Caffarel in France in 1947 and has spread to over 10,000 Teams world-wide. Teams Of Our Lady is a lay movement officially recognized by the Holy See under the Pontifical Council for the Laity...


Ushers offer a warm and friendly greeting to welcome the community as they arrive for mass. They assist with seating, preparation of gifts, and taking up monetary offerings at all masses.

Women’s Guild

The Women’s Guild is a ministry for the parish women ages 18 and over.

The objectives of the Women’s Guild are to assist the pastor, care for the sanctuary, plan and prepare the sacred spaces for liturgical seasons; promote spiritual growth among its members, support religious, charitable, and educational programs, and raise funds to support the parish and community.

For more information, please contact Barbara James at (210) 269-5918.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous otherwise known as (AA), is a group focused on recovery and lasting sobriety. AA is a cornerstone of many people's aftercare efforts, and overall recovery journeys.

Baptism Ministry

Infant baptisms at St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church take place on Saturdays at 10 or 11 am. We welcome all to be baptized and enter into fullness of life with Christ. 

Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts

Come join our scouts and have your kids have a great time learning...

Choir Practice Schedule

Adult Choir – Joshua Frilling, Director:   Membership is open to all interested singers high school age and above.   This choir sings for the Sunday, 10 am, Mass, from September through May with a break for the summer...

Divine Mercy

The Divine Mercy ministry meets every Wednesday morning at 9:00 AM in the Library. Our cenacle is based on exposure to the Diary of St. Faustina and prayer. We invite you to join us at anytime...

Faith Based Counseling Services

Girl Scouts

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. 

100+ Years

Founder Juliette Gordon Low organized the first Girl Scout Troop on March 12, 1912, in Savannah, Georgia...

Hospitality Sunday

In the beginning (about 1986), there was Father Murphy and Lloyd Anders.  They did not rest on the first Sunday of the month.  This was the genesis of the Hospitality Sunday Ministry.  Lloyd kept the Ministry going to the 1990’s. 


A lector is one who proclaims God's word to the community gathered for liturgy. The spirituality of a lector should be of regular reading and pondering of God's word in sacred scripture...

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels provides home delivery lunch to residents of Bexar County who are:

60 years of age or older..


“Praise God in his holy sanctuary; Give praise for his mighty deeds; Give praise with blasts of the horn, with harp and lyre, with tambourines and dance, with crashing cymbals; Let everything that has breath give praise to the Lord!” (from Psalm 150)

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe is a group of people who gather on the first Tuesday of every month in the Shalom Room. Their main purpose is to give honor and praise to Our Lady of Guadalupe. They celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12 with Las Mananitas, with a re-enactment of the story and a Fiesta celebration after the Saturday evening Mass...


Contact Debbie Hoffstetter at 210 494-1606 for more information...

Right to Life

St. Mark's is an active pro-life parish. Parishioners participate in the local 40 Days for Life Campaign twice a year - in the spring during Lent and in the fall leading up to election day in November.

Spirit and the Word

The Spirit and the Word Praise and Prayer Group is a Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group that gathers weekly on Wednesday nights from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM in the Guadalupe Room, Building 14.

Theology of the Body

If you have ever asked questions like:  What is God’s plan for me? What is the purpose of my body? What does it mean to be created in God’s image? What does the church really teach about sex and marriage and WHY does it teach that?  

Wedding Coordinator

Our wedding coordinators will be happy to assist you in scheduling wedding rehearsals after you have already scheduled them through the pastoral office. For information, contact us at (210) 494-1606, ext. 315. 

Yvonne Cosgrove Concert Series

St. Mark’s Music Ministry recently established the Yvonne Cosgrove Concert Series in memory and honor of Yvonne Cosgrove, a faithful and well loved parishioner who was devoted to choral music for most of her life and served

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