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Service to Others


My Dear People,

“ Young people are attracted to a Church that seeks to make a difference rather than one that exists solely within the walls of the parish, as Pope Francis reminds us: “I prefer a Church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security.” (Joy of the Gospel, #49) In our faith formation classes, we can model what it means to live as a disciple, and that involves serving others, for it is in the grit of life that we see grace. It is in weakness that real strength is revealed. It is in serving others that we become more fully alive.” Julianne Stanz, Loyola Press

In this issue of the Winged Lion we read stories of service to our community; the bruised and the hurting. This step of missionary discipleship is called pre-evangelization. As a parish we are meeting the needs of our community where they are. The Prayer Shawl ministry provides a “spiritual hug” for healing for those who are sick or healing from surgery. Young at Heart ministry is an opportunity for our senior parishioners and their friends to come together for fellowship twice a month. And Habitat for Humanity gives our parishioner the opportunity to meet others’ most basic need of shelter. Finally, we showcase a faith-filled couple, Nancy and Leo Forget, who are truly the example of being the hands and feet of Christ to others. Archbishop Gustavo awarded them the Lumen Gentium award for their exemplary service to others!

Service work plays the ultimate role in the faith conversion process. I challenge you in this season of Lent to incorporate service opportunities into your life and your family’s life as a way to help those in a pre-evangelization stage of faith.

Peace in Christ!


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