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Stewardship Is NOT An Option


“Once one chooses to become a Disciple of Jesus Christ, Stewardship is not an option.”—Bishop John J. McRaith

My Dear People,

Our Winged Lion this month includes articles written by our parishioners speaking to how they have engaged others through their ministries in missionary discipleship. You will read an article from our recently ordained Deacon Jorge Cabello on taking the steps to become a missionary disciple. It is really quite straight forward. There is also an essay written by one of our scholarship recipients about her transformation during the pandemic.

We, as a St. Mark parish community, are hoping to revive our commitment to Stewardship within our parish in the coming month. Each Sunday in October, you will be encouraged to identify those who may have not returned to church, pray them, and invite them to return with you.

“Stewardship, then, is all-encompassing. It provides a place for the simplest individual gesture of kindness as well as stewardship communities working for systemic justice and peace. Stewardship flowing from a personal and communal relationship to Christ holds a particular attraction to people. It is, ultimately, the pull and the power of the Gospel come alive in our times and circumstances.” (USCCB) As Bishop McRaith said, Stewardship is NOT an option.

Our year ahead is going to be a year of returning to our mission and returning to an attitude of missionary discipleship. I invite you, as people transformed by the Eucharist, to carry the Gospel into the world in your daily lives through word and action.


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