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Thank You From Pastoral Administrator Dot Hamlin


Dear Family of St. Mark,

As I leave St. Mark to retire after 40 years of service to the Archdiocese of San Antonio, I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude:

To my father who heard my catechism every night and furnished the meat for our spaghetti dinners at Ursuline Academy, to my mother’s great model of leadership of the Parent’s Club of Ursuline Academy in support of the wonderful religious women who taught me and nurtured my faith, and called me to “Serviam” which means “I will serve!”

To my brother, the deacon and our partnership of serving the people of God, to my “Aunt” Jeanne who baptized me, to my “Aunt” Odile who taught me the rosary, to my neighbors who took me to church, to Oblate and St. Mary’s University for seeing in me something I never could have imagined, to all the beautiful people who allowed me to serve at Saint Rose of Lima and St. Mark Parishes,

Especially to Father Kevin who supported my education and allowed me to serve with him, there is a special place in heaven for you for your patience as you supported me these 40 years doing what I deeply have loved and what I believe that God has called me to do, thank you for the privilege.

To all my friends and co-workers who have stood beside me, prayed with me, laughed with me, cried with me, and have put up with my shortcomings, I love you. To my beautiful family and seven children for all the love and support you have given me.

I still sit in amazement that God could have chosen me to serve. I stand in appreciative awareness of His great love. I am in good company as God has chosen all of you who generously serve in building God’s Kingdom. You remain in my heart always and of course in my prayers.

If we can live these three things: to say I forgive you, please forgive me, and I love you I think we can live the gospel… you have taught me well.

In His Service,

Dot Hamlin

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